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AceGaming 27

A member registered Apr 16, 2020

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I think they stopped the Android version!

And m'y other question is Can i bypassed this problem ?

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ok thanks, im pretty sad because i love your game and other and i cant play it ! 馃槶

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Hi , i love your game 4MinuteWarning ! Someone can help me please i have a problem with the game!

The game crash now , but 1 year before i've not crash im on Android 11 now ! 

I have the same problem with other games i've played before !

i dont know how to up Kleio and Morgan KP !

where do i go for my save!

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I know that but that all the things you said , so i have a save bug !

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I've waiting to , i really can't trigger the 茅vent!

And i've done the dream girl at 馃挴% with 80% LP but nothing again!

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For Minami i've do all the thing tell the Girls and clean the attic!

And for Sam i've do all of her quest!

For Minami its a bug , because i've played a whole year in the game , ne for Emma i dont know if i said i love Sam!

Hi someone Can help me? i dont know if its a bug but Minami dont come at my house and i can't meet UP with Sam and Emma at the cofee shop !

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no it's a bug and this bug are here to the game itself to I crash literally 2 minutes after entering the game. 

I really think  Majalis don't give a fuck about his game / only Android ver... !!

And honestly after all the time I've seen this bug , I think you you literally don't care about your game!!!!

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Is it possible to you to Patch the huge bug on Android ? The game crash all the time , literraly 1 or 2 minutes after open the app. And this bug are here from the last year!

I don't play the game  because the bug ruined the beautiful game you've created.